The general perspective behind the field trip is to provide the participants (who will be having diverse backgrounds & interests) with a small glimpse of the terrain, structure, stratigraphy and volcanological features of the Deccan Volcanic Province. The intention is not to focus on one specific topic but rather provide a spectrum of features that this Province hosts, besides enabling their visit to the newest detailed study of the continuously cored samples of the basaltic pile and its basement (the Koyna deep drilling program) that has opened up a new vista in the study of this Province, besides the geophysical (seismological) experiment planned at that site. Given the diversity of potential interests and limitations of time (2 days), the trip has been planned to focus on the areas around the Pune region. Participants need to confirm their participation in the field trip in an advance at the time of registration.

  • Day 1:
    North of Pune - exposures of different lava morphologies (tabular sheet (aa), lobate hummocky (pahoehoe), etc.), megacrystic basalts (GPB), columnar joints in basalts. Geomorphic features including fracture-controlled drainage, U-shaped valleys, hanging streams, natural stone arch, potholes.

  • Day 2:
    South of Pune - exposures of the younger sequence of Sahyadri Group, volcanological features, interflow horizons (red boles), Rajgad GPB (M4) and visit to the Ministry of Earth Sciences Borehole Geophysics Research Laboratory at Karad.